

The base-url needs to be supplemented with a suffix (path) to the resource. The base url and path together form the endpoint. All API endpoints are listed below.

Please note that the root url ("/") is not a valid endpoint and will thus result in a 404 (Not Found) error.

Model List Endpoints

Endpoints that result in a list of models


List of all models.


A list of models that originate from a specific sample

Example: /samples/SIDS00002/models


A list of models from a particular patient
Example: /patients/SIDP00003/models


A list of models that have a mutation type in a specific gene.
Valid <mut_type>s are 'frameshift', 'snp', 'insertion', 'deletion', 'splice_variant' or 'mutation'. Use 'mutation' to list models with any kind of mutation in the specified gene.
Example: /models/by_snp/BRAF
Example: /models/by_frameshift/TP53


A list of models that have a mutation type in a specific protein location in a specific gene.
Example: /models/by_snp/BRAF/V600 - for any model with a BRAF mutation at the V600 location
Example: /models/by_snp/BRAF/V600E - for any model with a BRAF V660E mutation

Single Model Endpoints

Endpoints that result in a single model.


Example /models/SIDM00003


Use any identifier that is annotated. The identifier source is case-insensitive, but the identifier is case-sensitive.
Example: /models/cosmic_id/909751
Example: /models/CCLE_ID/769P_KIDNEY



View a list of all files attached to a model

Gene List Endpoints

Endpoints that show a list genes


List of all genes in database

Mutations & Cancer Drivers



All mutations for a specific model.
Example: /models/SIDM00003/datasets/mutations
Example: /models/COSMIC_ID/905975/datasets/mutations



Cancer driver mutations for a specific model.



Cancer drivers of a specific model, ranked by how often they occur in a specific <category>.
Example: /models/SIDM00002/datasets/cancer_drivers/by_tissue - shows all drivers for model SIDM00002, ranked by how often they occur in its tissue.

Copy Number Variation



Gene level CNV of a specific model